Success is getting what you want; happiness is liking what you get

Thursday 30 June 2011

Pudding Time for Birdies

Our little feathered friends have been feeding on the bird pudding hanging from a tree out in the garden.  This concoction of dripping, bird seed, honey, and raisins is a very attractive proposition to the visiting Wax Eyes and Greenfinches.  They flutter around, land on the pudding, take a few bites, then fly off again, while another bird waiting on a branch arrives to take  their place.
DSCF6664 Eating the bird pudding
The little Wax Eyes were very partial to an over-ripe Kiwifruit which I hung up to temp them.  They land on the tree and deftly climb down the string.  Then they peck away at the sweet soft fruit inside the furry Kiwifruit skin.
DSCF6672Feeding on a Kiwifruit
It is so nice to have these birds visiting our garden.  Our cat Muffy shows not the slightest bit of notice to the bird life outside.  She would much rather be curled up nice and warm inside rather than playing “big white hunter” outside in the cold.  We think that if she did manage to catch a bird, she wouldn’t quite know what to do with it!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love watching the birds. Thanks for sharing!